Whose idea was this anyway? Is this some kind of weird joke? Is it like child birth? You know, that you forget how painful and exhausting it was? Here I am, 16 hours away from Denise and the kids. Yes, it is true I am working a full time job. Yes, I am putting in a ton of hours trying to learn the new job…it seems very apparent however, that I have it way too easy doing what I am doing.
Let’s think about it…she has a nearly full time job doing home school, then she takes extra care of the house, not only does it need to be picked up, but it seems like it has to be spotless to be shown to potential buyers. It’s like being required to keep it clean “times two” just to make a perfect impression. As if the initial level of cleaning isn’t difficult enough...
Then there are two very active children. Girl Scouts, boy scouts, Girls on the Run, church, friends, state educational testing, home schooling (how do you ever feel you have taught and worked with them enough there?) activities, did I mention friends? Let’s see, bicycles, the doctor, the dentist, blades, walks and swimming. Read books to them, read the scriptures, knit things for them, she felts, she quilts, she cooks, and she is learning to be a vegetarian. This is only a partial list.
She is a construction foreman, accountant, she keeps the cars running, laundry, legal issues, neighbors, fixing appliances, yard work, tumble weeds, gardening to make the place look more saleable. Oh, yes, and things do break around the house. Don’t forget about visiting teaching, church service. The door knob came off, the computer doesn’t always work, and the bills need to be paid, more doctor, taxes, the flu, allergies, and foot surgery. How does she ever do it?
I have only scratched the surface. There is a lot more that I haven’t noted and on top of it, she takes care of things for me. I am frequently a dork when it comes to being a supportive and understanding companion. The amazing thing is that she figures it all out by herself and just moves forward with a great attitude. We have three other children who have a bunch of needs that they still need a parents counseling to help them with (and this is normal), but it still needs to be done, and Denise does the bulk of it.
It is amazing to me the organization, the persistence, the focus, the intelligence, the physical strength and sheer will that Denise has. She is able to do all that she does, with a good attitude and shows nothing but love to the children. To say that my life is in a constant state of blessing is the understatement of the decade. I love you Wonder Woman, I mean, Denise.